
From this page you may use the PayPal Secure Site to process payment of your A.C.S. Invoice. You do not need a PayPal account to process payments as you may use a credit or debit card.
On the Paypal Secure Site you may use either:
   • PayPal account
   • Visa credit or debit card
   • Mastercard credit or debit card
Enter the Invoice number then press the Pay Now button to be redirected to the Paypal secure payment site.
This will show the company receiving your payment is This to That Pty Ltd as A.C.S. Active Classification Solutions is a trading entity of This to That Pty Ltd.
Paypal will load and display the Purchase details screen
Enter the amount being paid in the Price per item panel. Leave all other panels as loaded then press Continue button.
The Pay with PayPal screen will now load from where you may select to pay using PayPal by logging in with your account or press the Pay with Debit or Credit card button. This will allow payment to be made with either a Mastercard or Visa debit or credit card.

When payment has been processed by PayPal you will receive a payment receipt and we will be advised that payment has been made.

Invoice number

Enter payment value into Price per item then press Continue button.

Placeholder Picture

Login to Paypal or select to pay with a Debit or Credit card

Placeholder Picture